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0-Botan Hatanaka

„Honestly, life is so empty without pink. Should I give you a taste of my blade? Don’t be shy. It smells like peonies.”
-Botan Hatanaka

Botan Hatanaka (牡丹 畑中 Botan Hatanaka), is a Tsukugo-ranked Demon Slayer of the Demon Slaying Corps. She later becomes a Hashira member.

Botan is a tiny and slim young girl, light skinned and of low height. Her long pink hair is half on her back and half pinned with a cherry wooden pin in a bun. Botan’s eyes are big and are of purple colour. She often comes as cold but they also give her a curious like face.
Botan wears a pink patterned peony haori, the sleeves and collar being a different fabric, than the rest; white. Underneath she wears the standard Demon Slayer uniform, which consists of a black gakuran jacket, a white belt around her waist, and a skirt, with pink stockings and okobo footwear, closed with a peony ribbon-like around her ankles for stability.
Her Nichirin-Blade is located on her back and is fastened with the brown belt. Her weapon is decorated with a big peony as well.

On first glance, Botan appears to be judgeful and comes off as intimidating. She doesn’t talk a lot, instead she likes to observe the people around her. She wishes to have more friends and be more open to people, however she believes she needs to be controlled, organized and silent in order to become a powerful Hashira. If engaged in a conversation, Botan tries to keep the conversation at a minimum. If provoked, she becomes aggressive and violent. Being raised in a rich family, by a nobility Hashira father, and an artist mother, Botan took the personality of her father, in order to become the Hashira she wishes to become.

When it comes to her duties as a Demon Slayer, Botan is very organized and determined in what she does. She know the importance of teamwork, so even if she comes off as a lonely person and regarding her talent, she accepts any help from her teammates. Botan doesn’t have any tolerance to incapability or weak slayers, so she will make sure those who failed her in a mission will never join her again.
With time and patience, she can open up to people and show her “peony” like personality. Botan is actually a very sensitive and sweet girl.

Abilities and Powers
Natural Abilities
• Enhanced Agility: Botan has a high sense of agility due to her Flower Breathing. However, when fighting, Botan relies a lot on gravity and brute force.
• Enhanced Strength: Thanks to the intensive training she had to go with her father and master her Breathing Style, Botan gained great strength.
• High intellect: Since Botan is a people observer since a little child, this made her be very attentive to details and helping her developing her intellect. She has always been interested in studying and participating in activities with adults.
Peony Breathing (牡丹の呼吸 Botan no kokyū?) is a Breathing Style derived from Flower Breathing: A breathing style designed by Botan herself, she has became extremely proficient in this swordsmanship style, allowing her to defeat countless demons and even go toe-to-toe with the second strongest Upper Rank demon, Doma.

• First Style: (壱ノ型 Ichi no kata:) TBA
• Second Style: (弐ノ型 Ni no kata:) TBA
• Third Style: (参ノ型 San no kata:) TBA
• Fourth Style: (肆ノ型 Shi no kata:) TBA
• Fifth Style: (伍ノ型 Go no kata:) TBA
• Sixth Style: (陸ノ型 Roku no kata:) TBA
• Seventh Style: (漆ノ型 Shichi no kata:) TBA
• Eighth Style: (捌ノ型 Hachi no kata:) TBA
• Nineth Style: (玖ノ型 Ku no kata:) TBA
• Tenth Style: (拾ノ型 Jū no kata:) TBA
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